Online Gaming Across the World


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Online services have grown a lot during the past two decades and perhaps the biggest growth out of all was in the online gaming sector. Once the casinos moved to the online environment, things rapidly started to grow exponentially and what’s happening today could not be predicted by any analysis.

A very lucrative business

Online gambling is known to be one of the most rapidly growing domains in the last 10 years and it now involves a lot of people. There’s no need to go into numbers, however, the amount of money being produced by this industry every year can easily compete with any other industry you can think of. The games offered by online gaming places are very diverse and do not stop at online casinos and table games, the online gaming phenomenon also expands to video games and mobile games.

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Widely spread phenomenon

Worldwide, over 1.2 billion people play games and out of those, more than 700 million play online games. That’s huge considering it is 45% out of the entire world online population. Actually, this industry is so widespread that most of the people simply do not realize how big gaming is. It’s a huge part of our online activity either we like it or not.

From online games to online gambling, – speaking of which, you can find awesome no deposit casinos at, – take a phone of a random person you meet in the subway or on the street and you will see that it has at least one of those games on it. And you’d be surprised to learn how balanced the gaming industry is when you look from the gender perspective. 46% of the gamers are female and 54% are male. You would think that there are a lot more male gamers than girl gamers but then again, when was the last time you really checked the facts?

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Top categories for gaming

The top categories for men are racing, actions games, and sports while women prefer puzzles, quiz games, word matching and other games with the goal of relaxation. When it comes to territory, gaming is evenly spread all over the world following the pattern of Internet access. 70% of the population of Turkey plays games, around 53% of Brazilians are doing the same while in Argentina, the figure is believed to be around 62%.

When we’re talking about online gambling, things get a bit trickier as lately more and more markets become regulated. What does this mean? It means that the governments of the countries adopt special laws that put gambling in a controlled environment. Markets like Spain, Italy, Denmark, France and other big European countries have already adopted such laws while a lot of countries will soon follow. Australia is the biggest example in this matter and it is believed that when this happens, a lot of casinos will simply disappear due to the sheer volume of Australian players they have.

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No matter if we like it or not, gaming and online gaming has become a big part of our lives and it’s almost impossible to go on a long train trip or a subway ride without accessing at least one game or an app on your phone. What’s your opinion on all this?

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Online Gaming Across the World

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