Office 365 reporting is a breeze with Promodag


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Operating and maintaining effective business IT infrastructure often means taking a step back to review all functions and investigate ways to increase efficiencies, while gaining additional insight and building a reliable audit trail. The Office 365 reports generated by Promodag offer all these benefits and more…

About Office 365 reports from Promodag

One major benefit of Promodag Office 365 Reports is that your audit team can easily identify the workers utilising Office 365 messaging to the full and also learn the ways in which messaging is being used. It’s an easy matter to view the overall big picture for the entire business or even drill down to individual users. Whether you need to audit mail inbox content, view message stores, or gain insight into attachments sent by users, the Promodag Reports software meets all your requirements and far more.

Cost efficiencies with Promodag  

Promodag reporting makes it a simple matter to view employee Calendars, Inbox permissions and overall use of Office 365. When you partner with Promodag, you’ll discover employee productivity increases, alongside greater potential for worker mobility.

Just some of the cost effective solutions and employee efficiency measures available with Promodag include:

  • Easily generated reporting of the top 10 employee users of Microsoft 365, or even the growth in mailbox traffic for specific date ranges  
  • Immediate access to urgently required messages stored in employee mail boxes 
  • Instant analysis of meeting room use or even employee scheduled meetings and productivity, via the Calendar Item Searches 

Maintaining a lean and profitable business structure can be difficult for organisations as they scale and take on a bigger workforce. With the Promodag Reporting system it’s a simple matter to monitor workplace efficiencies and identify the employees contributing most to the overall success of the business. No modern organisation can sit back and rely on its workforce for 100% commitment, but when businesses have the benefit of reporting tools like Promodag it’s possible to trim out dead wood and provide the motivational data that keeps employees on their toes and keen for further recognition.  

Take the time to browse our website to discover the wide range of cost savings and employee reporting that can be made by business organisations of all sizes when they team up with Promodag for Office 365 reports and audits.

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Office 365 reporting is a breeze with Promodag

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