New website design and layout launched

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

If you are a regular visitor to our website, then you will have noticed that we have completely redesigned our website today.

We have designed a new template for the site including new colour scheme, new layout and new menu navigation.

You can now browse our website using the red menu bar and this on some of the menus has sub menus to other parts of the site.

You will also notice the three tabbed column on the right hand side of the website where you can view our all time most popular posts, our full blog archive of approaching 500 posts and also all the stats about our website.

There are also now menus for Links and Social where you can view all of our social media profiles and also the links that we have added onto our site. If you wish to add your link to our website, please go onto the page and use the email address to send us the details.

We have also added under the Guides menu a number of various sub menus for some of our more popular guides to allow you quick and simple access to these guides.

Finally, we have added a homepage slider for some of our more popular pages.

Please note that this is only for the desktop version of our website, if you are using a mobile device to view our website then you will continue to have the old lite version of the layouts and scheme design.


If you have any comments on our new design and layout or even any suggestions, please feel free to leave us a message below using our comments system.

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New website design and layout launched

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