WillyTheWorm v1.1 Released – Retro Snake Game

Screenshot of the "WillyTheWorm" game over screen displaying the message "game over! your final score is: 0" with an option to press enter to retry. The game speed

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

We are pleased to announce the release of WillyTheWorm version 1.1.

We have been playing with creating a few very basic retro games for a while now and although these are really only more than testers and nothing to get too excited about, we thought we would release them for you to play with anyway and you can feel free to send us any feedback or ideas for future releases, enhancements or maybe even other ideas for other retro games.

MistyGrabber was the original codename for this game but we have today re-released it as WillyTheWorm. It is basically a retro snake game from the old Nokia mobile phone days. You start off as a small snake, eat the apples and become bigger trying to avoid your own tail and walls! The longer you last, the higher your score becomes.

The layout of the game is very simple and you use your keyboard to direct your snake up, down, left or right. There is a high scores table to track your ongoing scores and three difficulty levels.


Download WillyTheWorm


Once you have downloaded the program and started it, you will be presented with a start screen to enter your name and a drop down menu to select your difficulty.

WillyTheWorm v1.1 Released - Retro Snake Game 1

Enter these details and the Start Game button will become active. You can from here now either start the game or check on your high scores.

Once you have started the game, you will be presented with a game board like this:


You start off as the blue head of your snake and your aim is to eat as many of the green apples as possible.You will be awarded 100 points for each apple that you eat. From this screen you can see your score, game speed and your entered name.

As you eat the apples your snake will get longer until eventually you will either crash into yourself or a wall, when you do, you will get the game over message:

WillyTheWorm v1.1 Released - Retro Snake Game 2

You can then also view your high scores from the menu bar.


If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to use our comments system below.

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WillyTheWorm v1.1 Released – Retro Snake Game

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