Making an Easy Shift from MS Office to Requirement Management Tool

Two blue road signs against a bright blue sky with clouds. The top sign reads "chance" and the bottom sign, marked as a requirement management tool, reads "change," both pointing in different

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Many companies use the MS office for the requirement management to define various requirements. This is not a good practice; in fact, it has caused project allures or has left many projects at risk. The Requirements development incremental progression which comprises activities like elaboration, development analysis, and refinement, which are all sensitive activities and requires to be done in a transparent and cooperative manner. The best tool for the requirement management is the Project management tool.

The Project management tools are so important, particularly in the medium and large size firms. Without an inappropriate tool, a very ingenious notion may turn into a major mess. Finally, this can end up tarnishing associations with clients and giving out zero deliverables. So, the best thing is to get a project management tool. Unlike the MS office, the project management tool gives the firm a complete overview of all the projects running. Therefore, it becomes easy to coordinate resources and allocate cash. With it, all the employees in an organization can have an input in all the process.

office products

In a project management tool, different tasks, milestones or even sub-tasks can be easily assigned to different members on a certain deadline. The act of having visible responsibilities and activity lists is so crucial. It helps to define different responsibilities for the employees every day. Here are the top reasons we found to make a shift when we compare Microsoft office to a Requirement Management Tool.

Control Versions and Changes

Every project must have the requirements baseline. It can either be one or more. Certain bale line of requirements is allocated to a certain release or iteration. A requirement management tool offers supple baselining functions. Besides, they maintain any changes history made to any requirement. You can choose to record any rationale over any change decision and regress to a prior version if the need be. There are some requirement management tools which even contains a change-proposal system which directly links the modification requests to the target requirements.

Hoard Requirements Attributes

hoard requirements

In every requirement, you opt to record various descriptive attributes. Besides, anybody working on the project should be in a position to view the attributes at any time. The requirement management tools allow you to set attributes which everybody working under it should see. In MS office this is not possible. These value attributes can be updated by the selected or permitted individuals whenever the need be. The requirement management tool produces several scheme-defined attributes, for instance, the exact date the requirement was formed and its current version. Moreover, it allows you to define different extra attributes for various types of data.

Considerate designation of attributes ensure the stakeholders view the division of the requirements in accordance with specific groupings of attribute values. For example, you may demand to see all a list of all requirements from the certain business rule in order to be able to judge the likely outcome in the rule. One of the main ways to keep track of all requirements is by keeping using the Release Number attribute which you can only get from the requirement man agent tool and not MS office.

Facilitate Influence Analysis

Unlike MS word, the Requirement management tool allows the requirement tracking by allowing you to define links between various forms of requirements. This is amongst the requirements of the indistinct subsystems and amongst discrete needs related to system components. For instance, tests, documentation and code modules.

The links assist you to analyze the impact the projected change will have on a specified requirement. It is made easier by being able to identify other system basics the change may affect. Besides, the tool is so nice in tracking every functional requirement as far as back to its origin so that you can clearly know the where each requirement originated from. Some requirements tools also allow you to found traceability links among requirements in the database and objects saved in other, third-base tools like issues reports, request changes cord sources files and the project chore lists.

Track Requirements Eminence

Gathering requirements in a database allow you to discern the number of discrete requirements specified for every product. With MS office, it is not possible to easily track the status for each requirement over the development support but with Requirement management tool it is possible. Note that a project manager always has an upright project status is he or she is aware of the 55 percent of all the needs committed to the next release.

Control Access

The requirement management tools allow you to define the access permissions for folks or user’s groups and share evidence for information with the geographically discrete team via a web database interface. On the other hand, with the MS word, you cannot be able to control access to anything. You cannot access any permissions or allocate someone to access data.

Communicate with Stakeholders

Some requirement management tools permit the team members to deliberate requirements issues by the electronic means. This refers to threaded conversations which are inevitably generated by email messages, notify pretentious members when a fresh discussion entry come up or when precise needs are modified.

Reuse Requirements

The requirements management tools allow you to define various requirements forms or classes. It permits you to easily differentiate discrete objects which you want to treat as requirements from other linked users. Moreover, the tool offers stout capabilities for major attributes or every requirement form. Note this is a great advantage over normal documents based on MS word. Ideally, every requirement tool has traceability features which allow you to link different need features within the same requirement types. At some point, the requirements organization tools incorporate the MS office but the vice versa cannot be possible.

In conclusion, Requirement Management Tool is way much better than the MS office. It is broad and does not limit anyone. It is a high-end tool which sustenance a rich variety of import and export of tools. It is the highest time you shift from the MS office if you want enhancements in your organization. It allows you to extract discrete requirements and fill them out into a database. Remember different authorized members can easily access and update the data or value attributes ant time.

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Making an Easy Shift from MS Office to Requirement Management Tool

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