KB4577064 – Breaks Windows Server 2008 DNS


Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

We recently ran into a problem on an older domain running Microsoft Server 2008 SP2 (not R2) as its DNS server. The problem was that the DNS service on the server kept stopping and crashing. This then obviously caused DNS issues throughout the domain.

Having ran through a number of updates, removing them one by one, we finally identified Microsoft Update KB4577064 as the culprit. Having removed it from the server and rebooted, the DNS service started and kept running and all the DNS alerts stopped.

How to remove Windows Updates

This is not one of our videos, but we came across this instruction video and it is very in-depth and worth watching all the way through if you plan to uninstall any Windows Updates:

So we had to then stop the update getting back onto any of the other Server 2008 devices within the domains we look after by stopping it being deployed by WSUS and SCCM. Obviously, you can also hide the update locally on the server if you do not use a deployment system for your updates.

For some reason, Microsoft have not acknoloedged this as a problem any where and you’ll struggle to find much on the internet about it as well, but these are our findings so hopefully this infirmation will help someone else out there.

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KB4577064 – Breaks Windows Server 2008 DNS

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