How to get more followers on Instagram

how to get more followers on instagram

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Instagram marketing is one of the best ways to promote content, for both well-established and new brands aiming to increase engagement and reach. For this reason, it’s no wonder why Instagram has become a staple marketing tool. Instagram is a key platform for those aiming to increase traffic to landing pages and growing a brand’s outreach.

If your Instagram page falls short popularity-wise, the time has come to sharpen your IG presence’s performance and finally get the most out of it (because the sky’s the limit when you do!). For one, there are quite a handful of third-party sites that help growing one’s Instagram followers and likes online.

Speaking of followers; here’s the quickest and most effective way to increase the number of them. You can simply buy real Instagram followers or buy 50 Instagram likes to boost your engagement in a much lesser time.

So, if you’re still struggling to drive organic traffic to your Instagram profile and increase your followers in other ways, this 8-strategies guide’s meant for you. Let’s delve into further details:

YouTube Video:

Zero To 10,000 Followers In 10 days | How To Grow Your Instagram

8 Simple Ways to Gain More Followers on Instagram:

1. Thoughtful Instagram Marketing:

As we’d already said today, Instagram is a pivotal marketing platform, but from time to time, it also needs some boost to drive traffic to your brand’s website regularly. Thus, getting more followers on your Instagram handle is one such way to boost engagement but requires a firm and thoughtful marketing strategy to rely on.

For example, only a username and a few hashtags aren’t enough for you to survive on this global platform and hence calls for something extra. So make sure to update Instagram’s bio with full, useful details of your brand, such as its motive, contact details, and the official website link.

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2. Content Calendar Is Important:

One of the worst things you can do while struggling to gain followers is to post random content. If you’re lucky enough to gain followers in the first place, your posts’ performance rates will drop eventually.

Thus, to avoid this situation, make sure you have a proper schedule for Instagram posts to engage your audience on any given time. For example, if you’re running a clothing store, you cannot post any attire which contradicts the ongoing season at that time. The content should always be relevant. Additionally, an official Instagram handle must not post more than one time a day, or else; it can be taken as spamming.

As per Sprout research, some particular time in the day is considered more optimal to post on Instagram than another. Here is the complete calendar:

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3. Know the Value of Audience’s Content – Get Brand Advocates:

To gain more followers and enhance your engagement on Instagram, it’s essential to truly understand your audience’s needs and demands and provide content accordingly. Thus, the simplest, quickest way to grow on Instagram is to engage with your followers whenever you can. Then it would be easier to encourage them to post user-generated content more often; thus, you broaden your brand’s outreach passively.

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4. Use Proper Keywords:

First of all, your username should be similar to your brand’s name to avoid any misunderstandings. Remember, people should be able to find you without any hassle. Moreover, to hit high exposure rates, it’s recommended to throw in a few hashtags in your posts. Alternatively, you can add any relevant keyword under the “username” section as another solid means to increase your brand awareness. For example, the travel blogger ‘’the.traveling.hippie’’ has put the ‘’Travel Writer’’ in her username to appear in the search results more often.

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5. Use Platforms To Gain Followers:

Many platforms claim to provide real Instagram followers and likes! This can be a good strategy to begin with. There are those who believe that the number of followers or likes doesn’t help much other than helping your IG profile look compelling (a boon which shouldn’t be overlooked, if you ask us!); but if you ask us, they’ll never get viral on Instagram if it’s their stand toward buying Instagram engagement from third-party sources.

A word to the wise about such platforms: the ideal place to buy Instagram followers from is a provider that distributes the followers/likes at a moderate pace, so the algorithm won’t detect them as bot ones.

6. Be Consistent

The competition on social media, especially Instagram, is stiffer than ever. You need to be very consistent to gain visibility and exposure. Before you plan out your content, you must decide when and how often you post on Instagram.

Many researchers claim that posting every day helps in increasing followers, and we obviously second this approach. However, if you feel like every day is a bit too much, you can start with posting three times a week to get things going. Of course, by ‘posting’ we also refer to story uploads, not just regular posts. Prepare to see a steady increase in your followers!

7. Collaborations

If you are a small business or an independent content creator, it’s time you’ll know the benefits from collaboration with influencers or enterprises. You can interact with other influencer’s profiles by commenting and sharing their posts on stories. Don’t get it personally if they don’t answer, though. On the other hand, if they do, this interaction could yield affiliate marketing (although posts where these social-icons tag you is also a possibility)!

If you are a business, you can contact influencers and send them your product for review so they’ll post an authentic post such as an unpacking video or another and tag you there.

8. Share Your Instagram

It’s true, Instagram has never known such popularity peaks as of today. However, for the sake of the few people who aren’t there just yet, we encourage you to cross-promote your IG-page on other platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube to expand your outreach even more. This way, you will gain more visibility, exposure, and ultimately followers

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How to get more followers on Instagram

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