How to Edit Videos: Best Tips for Beginners

A close-up of a computer screen displaying tips on how to successfully launch your online video business.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

You finally got your first video done. But that’s not all there is to it, is it? Now, you have to face the editing part of the job. Yes, it’s a no-brainer that you need a video editor. However, there is so much more to editing a video than just getting a video editing app. This article will cover various beginner tips you need to know when editing your videos.

#1 Choose the Right Video Editing Software

Of course, you can’t do any editing without a video editing app. However, there are so many options available, you’ll probably be confused about choice. As a beginner, it is advisable to go for something not too complex that has a user-friendly interface. You might advance from these to more sophisticated software options later. Also, as a beginner, there is every possibility you don’t have the financial capability to go for quite expensive options.

Not to worry! You can always download different free video editing software online. A good option that offers a free Lite version is the DaVinci Resolve. However, if you have the cash to splash, you can always try different trial versions of better options and then buy after. Examples of top-notch video editors include Cyberlink Powerdirector, Final Cut Pro, Movavi, and a host of others.

#2 Keep it Simple

There’s always that tendency to outdo yourself, especially when starting out on a new task. Trying different features and effects always seems like fun until you discover you’ve lost the whole plot. Remember, it’s not all about what you want but also what the viewer would like to watch. So, try to keep it simple as much as possible.

However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experiment with different features. This is how you learn and have fun while at it. It is only advisable to use them where they are really necessary. For example, you might not need an elaborate transition feature when just a simple cut would do the trick. Also, do not use consuming fonts for your in-video texts. Keep them as simple and as legible as possible.

#3 Your Device Matters!

As a beginner, it might not really matter the type of computer model you use. Instead, the main factors to consider are how fast the device can function and how much storage space you have to work with. This will help to store large files and prevent the system from lagging when rendering. To prevent the latter, it is advisable to get a system with a minimum of 8GB RAM and invest in SSD drives. 

However, if you’re working with a PC that does not have huge RAM, you can always try Movavi Video Editor Plus. Offering you so many features to go with its lightweight size, you’re assured of getting good value for your money. If you’re unsure about getting this video editing software, you can always try out the free version before purchasing the premium version. 

People say it is easier to use Microsoft PCs than Apple computers for editing; however, any of them will do. Also, you can use your mobile device if you do not have access to a computer. However, this might limit the number of features you have access to. Examples of video editors for phones include Adobe Premiere Rush and Movavi Clips.

#4 Always Save Your Work

If you’ve ever gone through a major data loss, you’ll know it can be quite a nasty experience. No feeling of pain can beat forgetting to save your progress whilst editing. Then, having to start all over. This could even make you give up on the work altogether. However, saving your progress at regular intervals will help to keep your work safe. Also, you can always check on the different versions just in case you want to correct some errors.

However, saving on your computer’s hard drive does not give you all the guarantees you’ll need. Imagine your hard drive gets fried, and you lose all your work. Now, that’s even more disastrous. With the 3-2-1 backup rule, you can always ensure yourself against events like this. 

The 3-2-1 rule means having your file in three copies in at least two different locations, one of which is off-site. You can use cloud storage options like Google Drive for your off-site location while having a flash drive or external hard drive to complement your PC’s copy. If you do go for the cloud storage option, you might have to splash a little cash, considering the size of most videos you’ll have to edit. 

#5 Be Realistic

While it’s good to push yourself to see how far you can go, always remember that you’re still a beginner. You can’t do it all from the start. For example, shooting in 4K resolution when your PC can’t handle editing at that resolution will only lead to unnecessary stress. Also, if you’re working with a client, let them know your capabilities and skills. This will help to relieve the undue pressure of flaunting yourself like a pro.

#6 Use Good Music

It’s not just about the video. The sounds and music matter just as much. Especially if you’re working on artistic projects such as short films and full-blown movies. As such, the music just has to be perfect to evoke the perfect response from your audience. You might need some help in this area, especially if you’re not so good with music choices.

Also, you might not be able to pay for some music choices, except you’re being funded. However, if you’re an independent videographer (a YouTube blogger, for example), you can always get free music from YouTube. In addition, you can find numerous royalty-free music providers online.

Bonus – Get Started

If you’ve read through to this stage, you must be really serious about taking your editing up a notch. 

If you’ve still not made up your mind, then this is that push you need. 

Video editing takes effort and doggedness to learn, true. It might not be so easy when starting out. However, you can always try again until you feel you’ve done a good job.

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How to Edit Videos: Best Tips for Beginners

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