How Artificial Intelligence Helps Students to Get a Degree

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College students are being taught a lot of things. They gain skills that set them on the career track they choose. They also deal with a lot of essay writing, even though most topics and assignments seem completely unnecessary. The thing that students can’t learn easily is “how to handle college with less stress and learn more in less time.”

The costs of higher education are getting higher by the semester. Students are burdened by the need to get a scholarship, choose the right major, and deliver excellent results on every single course in order to keep that scholarship. It’s a tough process and students need assistance. This is where Artificial Intelligence plays an important role.

How AI Helps Students Reach Their Degrees

Chatbots are the Real Deal

Wayne State University managed to increase its graduation rates from 24% to 46% within six years. This is a major achievement. The staff understood that students were facing problems. Without any action on the school’s side, they would continue struggling and the graduation rates would continue dropping.

In 2018, Wayne State University introduced a chatbot at its website. This was only one of several steps the staff took to support students through their journey towards a degree. Chatbots were ridiculous when they first started appearing. But technology got quite sophisticated, and it’s able to deliver useful answers very quickly. This chatbot achieved great results by answering questions with a conversational tone. According to the University’s reports, it contributed towards an enrollment boost by 14.6%, but it also helped current students to get the assistance they needed.

The bot answers questions about financial aid, debt handling, and returning to college after a longer break. 

Content Automation Tools Make Academic Writing Easier

Content automation tools are still not sophisticated enough to replace a real essay writer. These are programs that take data and turn it into a narrative. They may also paraphrase text, so the content would run clean through plagiarism detection engines. This is the kind of writing helper that most students would love to have.

AI writing technology is still under development. It can’t produce clean and unique content yet. As a comparison,  assignment help provides excellent content upon a student’s request. They produce high-quality papers that students can learn for. That’s not artificial technology; it’s an actual writer offering homework help online. AI will become more advanced in the future, so many students will avoid buying papers online.

Will they be able to easily write papers through a program? Hardly. They may get paraphrased content. But if it’s good, the student can use it as a base for their own project. They will find it easier to organize a paper and commit to a focused writing process.

Grading Can Become an Automated Process

Are grades fair? That’s a question that every student has had so far.

Introverted and socially anxious students don’t like being the center of attention. However, many of them have great listening skills. They understand what the teacher says and know the answers. They have opinions. However, they are outshined in the classroom because they cannot fit in like extroverts can. When social anxiety kicks in, it’s impossible for a student to speak up. These students usually do better on written tests, but they still get lower grades.

Other students face a fear of tests. They get completely blocked and cannot write a single answer although they prepared well.

What about essays? Is it fair for a teacher to rely on their personal taste when grading them? Someone writes a brilliant essay on a controversial topic but the teacher doesn’t agree with the arguments. They can grade it poorly and make any excuse for that. Some students like getting creative with the structure, but a conservative professor won’t like that they didn’t stick to the 5-paragraph format. It doesn’t mean that the essay is worse than the one with a higher grade.

There has to be a better way. Essay-grading software is an idea that’s still in development, but it can change things. Multiple-choice tests are already being graded by programs, and AI is doing that pretty well. There’s potential, and we should be supportive of it. 

AI Will Change the Future of Education

Artificial intelligence is changing the way students learn and how quickly they acquire skills. We haven’t seen major changes in this field, but the potential is there. Schools, teachers, and students can use AI systems to make different aspects of the studying process easier.

First and foremost, AI gives students access to quick and correct answers. They don’t have to wait for the right time and go to different offices to get answers about financial aid, admissions, and all kinds of inquiries. A chatbot is very useful in delivering information. Academic writing should also become easier in the future thanks to AI, and grading will definitely become more fair.

These are only the beginnings. We’re going through an exciting era in education, and we’ll witness bigger steps in this evolution.

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How Artificial Intelligence Helps Students to Get a Degree

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