Football Manager Touch on Nintendo Switch

A digital artwork of a man with a beard in a white shirt and black pants, pointing to his right, with "Football Manager Touch" logo in front, against a blurred stadium background.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

There was a surprise release of Football Manager Touch for the Nintendo Switch today. Priced at just £29.99 in the UK, this could be a game changer for the Switch.

Football Manager has long had a cult following and the release of their Touch version could open up a completely new demographic for the Switch.

Being a massive Football Manager fan since the Championship Manager days of the late 90’s – I had to purchase this immediately. Although I’ve not played it long enough yet to make a decent judgement on it, first impressions are pretty good. Decent layout, graphics and the 3D match control is a step up from the iOS version of Touch.

The only downside to it at the moment is the navigation. You can use the touch feature but some of the areas are small and you end up clicking something different to what you wanted. Using the sticks is a big annoying as well. Its also a bit tricky working out which buttons do which. But, I’m sure all these little niggles will go away after spending some time learning which buttons do which. Having spent about 20 years playing on a PC with a mouse, I suppose it will take a bit of time to teach an old dog new tricks!

I’m sure that this weekend will quickly disappear playing this so I’ll look at getting a full review published soon with some screenshots.

A few details from Nintendo on the game:

Download Size

2771.39 MB

Many ways to play

Start your managerial career at one of the world’s top teams, create your own club or tackle one of several management scenarios in Challenge Mode.

3D match engine

Football Manager’s acclaimed match engine and modernised match presentation help to bring your fixtures to life.

Real-world scouting

Play the transfer market like never before with a realistic and immersive approach to scouting.

Tactical innovation

Developing your footballing philosophy is easy with tactical analysis steering you towards your strengths by highlighting your weaknesses.

Bargaining power

A wealth of clauses and transfer options arm you with more ways than ever to finalise that blockbuster deal.

Purchase It

If you want to get on with playing this on the Nintendo Switch, head to the Nintendo e-Store and you can purchase it from there straight to your device.

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Football Manager Touch on Nintendo Switch

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