Enabling inactive Mimecast Outlook Plugin add-in that keeps being unloaded in Outlook

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Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

To enable an inactive add-in that keeps unloading on restart in Outlook you should follow these steps:

First shut down Outlook, then uninstall the software providing the add-in from your machine.

Then go into regedit whilst logged in as the affected user and go to the following location:


Delete the REG_BINARY keys found in DisabledItems and CrashingAddinList folders:

Enabling inactive Mimecast Outlook Plugin add-in that keeps being unloaded in Outlook 1

Then navigate to this location:


Then delete the key (folder) that references the add-in (we are using Mimecast as our example below):

Enabling inactive Mimecast Outlook Plugin add-in that keeps being unloaded in Outlook 2

Reinstall the software that provided the add-in and then restart Outlook. The add-in should now load.


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Enabling inactive Mimecast Outlook Plugin add-in that keeps being unloaded in Outlook

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