Common Blogging Mistakes that Most Beginners Make

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

If you have a circle comprising blogger friends, you might have heard them say time and again that their particular blog post went viral. Or you maybe heard in the news how blogging is such a popular thing these days. Upon hearing such news, the idea of blogging may have stuck in your head. So, should you not start writing blogs? Well, to be honest with you, blogging is not rocket science. However, there may be a chance that you may not get the same result as others when you engage in blogging. Why is it so? It is perhaps because you are making some blogging mistakes, which most beginners tend to make.  

So, what are these blogging mistakes? Here in this article, we will discuss some of the most common blogging mistakes that most beginners make. Let us take a look at them one by one. 

Not being aware of your audience

One of the most common mistakes that many bloggers make is that they do not know who they are writing for. Teressa, a blogger who offers ‘do my assignment for me’ services, says that it is vital for every blogger to have an awareness of the readers and knowledge of what they may be possibly looking for. 

For instance, if you aim to offer the audience the information they want, you need to know why they need it. It will help you streamline the information and write accordingly. 

You need to know whether you are writing in a particular region or area. If yes, you need to frame a strategy that targets the audience of that area. The unawareness of the audience is one of the most common mistakes that people make. We recommend you to avoid this mistake. 

Blogging to make money

Anyone who starts blogging with the sole purpose of making money is indeed heading towards failure, says Jiah, an online java tutor and a full-time blogger. You can never take your blog to greater heights if blogging is not your passion. 

To do well with your blog, it is essential to have blogging as a passion. Passion is something that you cannot live without. You can only be a good wrestler if you are passionate about boxing. The same holds for blogging. If you wish to be a good blogger, you should be passionate about it. You cannot be in it only for money; you should have your heart and soul in it too. 

As a beginner in blogging, it will always help you if you have the requisite knowledge about the prevailing industry or the niche, says Steve, who works with TrumpLearningYou should know what people are interested in your niche search for the most. When you provide the people what they search for, there is an excellent chance of your viral content. 

To get knowledge on what is popular, you can check out tools, such as Google Trends or Buzzsumo. These tools will enable you to see what people are looking for and then plan your content around it.   

Not being consistent

In the blogging industry, the most significant cause of failure is inconsistency. It may hamper your audience and traffic over time. People who follow you expect to see your content regularly. As a beginner, you can start with writing around three to four blogs every week. It is a great way to stay relevant and compete. If the audience likes what they see, they will want to return again and again for more. 

Not taking SEO seriously

SEO is crucial for your blog’s success. What is the point of writing a fabulous blog if it never lands in the top Google pages? If it is not at the top, people will not read it. This means that there will be no traffic, leads, or sharing on your blog. Consequently, no one will get to read your finest works. So, what can you do to fix this? 

The best way to eliminate this problem is by downloading a simple plugin for your WordPress website, that is, Yoast SEO Plugin. With this plugin, you will see all the problems on your page, such as meta description length, readability, keywords, and more. To make the most of your website, you need to work on both on-page and off-page SEO. 

At all times, your URL should be short, and it must have a keyword in it. For increasing the reach of your blog post, you should make your titles catchy and attractive, suggests Nathan, a blogger who works with TAEYou can also include your targeted keyword in the title. Hence, one of the most common blogging mistakes made by people is that they do not optimize their SEO blog.  

Not having an email list

To get more traffic on your blog or webpage, it is crucial to create an email list. When you have an email list handy, it is easy for you to notify your subscribers about every new blog post that you make. Some of the tools that can help you create an email list are Email subscribers and newsletters, Hellobar, scrolling sidebar, MailChimp, mailster, etc.

Not performing image optimization

Have you ever seen a blog without images? If you have, you must be aware of how boring it must be. Thus, as a blogger, you need to make the most of the images. However, do ensure that you pick the photos that are relevant to what you are writing. Pictures are helpful because they bring life to your blog. 

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Common Blogging Mistakes that Most Beginners Make

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