SCCM Capture media in Windows x64 not working – FIX

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Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

We came across an issue today where the capture media (ISO) that we use to capture our newly created images would not load when running the TSMBAUTORUN.exe file from an explorer box.

This was even more strange as it works fine for x86 versions of Windows.

After some digging around, its to do with the autorun feature in x64 being off by default and working directories….anyway, to cut a long story short, the fix it very simple…

Go into a CMD box and go to the drive where your capture is located (ours is a CD so drive letter D: )

Then, do not go into this folder location, it must be run from the root of the drive, type the following command:


Hit enter and it should run….

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SCCM Capture media in Windows x64 not working – FIX

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