Avoid a Big Mac Cyber Attack

A person using a Mac laptop with a digital security shield and key icon overlay, symbolizing cybersecurity. Bright lights and circuit lines emphasize technology themes.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

With the ever-growing and advancing cyber security risks out there, this post will focus on avoiding a cyberattack if you are an Apple Mac user or at least decrease the chances of a cyberattack or hack taking place.

Apple devices have built a solid reputation for building more secure devices right out of the box. This should not be a cause for complacency, especially since the world of web security and the number and types of web-related threats keep mounting.

One of the more recent cyber threats is cryptojacking. In this particular case, cyber theft is not a monetary one but rather of your Mac’s or any other computer resources. Cryptojacking is considered a type of malware.

The most sensible, prudent and responsible start to prevent existing, new, brand new, also known as zero day threats and future threats, is to try out a comprehensive anti-virus, currently better known as an anti-malware solution. Free trial periods vary depending on the company to company.

Once you feel comfortable with the given solution and have made sure the solution and the company behind it have a very strong reputation and track record, the next wise and the responsible threat is to purchase the full version to ensure uninterrupted real-time protection to be in place.


Ensure that you are not using easily guessable passwords or well-known passwords which have already been hacked. Hackers use automated password crackers, and the less complex your password is, the more successful the cybercriminals are likely to be.

As a general password guideline:

  • Set a password with seven characters or more; the longer, the better.
  • Employ a good blend of upper and lower case letters.
  • Numbers and symbols.
  • Include at least one special character such as; ? & ^ * $ ) ( ! @ #
  • Change passwords frequently.
  • Employ unique passwords for each online service respectively.
  • Raise your knowledge and awareness of malicious keyloggers because, with a keylogger infection, all of the above will not help much. The hacker will be able to collect the password no matter how complex it is.

Mac Keyloggers

A keylogger is a type of malicious application or malware that collects some or all of your computer’s keystrokes. The keylogger will run in the background clandestinely, not raising any suspicions.

Again, the prudent first step is to own a holistic cyber security application for your Mac from a reputable cyber security firm with countless happy and protected clients and related testimonials.

VPN for Mac

A VPN will do wonders for your Mac’s overall security and privacy. First of it will mask your real IP address from the rest of the internet. The site you connect to from Google to a small shop website will be unable to see your real IP address, which will lower your chances of being hacked greatly.

Secondly, a VPN scrambles all your private information. The technical term for that is ‘encryption.’

This not only protects data that can be used for bigger types of cyberattacks, but it also protects your privacy no matter how insecure of a connection you are using, in a public mall WiFi, airport or café.

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Avoid a Big Mac Cyber Attack

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