Water Saving & Pressure Increase using Rusee Filtration Shower Head

61kb6dT4 5L. SL1000  1

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A little off topic this one but we thought we would share this with our visitors anyway as it is a little bit like a technical innovation!

We purchased this shower head a few weeks ago as the water pressure in our bathroom is appalling. We thought for a few quid that it was worth trying it – and it was…

Basically it has a filtration system built into it (which you can see in the below images) and it is supposed to improve water pressure through it by 200% and also provide 30% water saving, so it’s a win all round.


Water Saving & Pressure Increase using Rusee Filtration Shower Head 1

Water Saving & Pressure Increase using Rusee Filtration Shower Head 2

I must admit that I was very sceptical about this to begin with, but it has certainly improved the water pressure and it is a very smooth water output making for a much nicer shower.

So, for the small amount it cost it has made a big difference and well worth a try – click below to go over to Amazon to take a look for yourself.

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Water Saving & Pressure Increase using Rusee Filtration Shower Head

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