SoundCloud Online Downloader: Simple Ways Of Music Saving

SoundCloud Online Downloader Simple Ways Of Music Saving

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

You are lucky if you still managed to find the magic button to download a desired track to your phone in SoundCloud. Now you are officially saved from the headache of searching for possible ways for that and using special third-party services.

Everyone else, including me, is almost never lucky. After all, many authors of tracks on this music platform prohibit downloading their masterpieces.

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But don’t get too excited! As the proverb says: “when there’s a will there’s a way.” So here, if you really need to find some method that will make life easier, then you can easily find everything on the Internet.

There are some working SoundCloud mp3 downloader methods that provide you with music access anytime and anywhere.

This article will reveal these methods. Let’s go!

What’s wrong with SoundCloud?

Almost everyone knows that SoundCloud is an Internet platform where users can listen to music and enjoy it online. Therefore, many people relax with music sounding in their ears every day, promote the tracks they have listened to, and share them with others.

So it is not surprising that millions of people worldwide like the service and want to download SoundCloud music as well.

But if you can still listen to music for free, then it is almost impossible to download it for free. All rights are reserved, and you can claim something only after payment. Here is such a pun.

Let’s thank the bright minds of the Internet who contribute to the fast-growing and developing IT technologies. They are looking for loopholes and come up with ways to circumvent all existing restrictions, including those that exist in SoundCloud.

They are the ones who develop people-oriented tools to get the necessary things for free and without restrictions.

After searching the Internet, I came across several such methods that will appeal to all SoundCloud music lovers, without exception. 

SoundCloud online downloader tools were created to help absolutely anyone, even an unauthorized user, download music in original quality:

  • Songs
  • Playlists
  • Podcasts
  • Albums

Then, all saved files can be listened to on mobile or PC at any time without being connected to the Internet.

What a miracle!

Best SoundCloud online downloader tools

Well, now it’s time to talk about those tools, methods and apps that will help you download SoundCloud music quickly, for free and without much effort.

Tool #1: Bigbangram SoundCloud Online Downloader

If you are a music lover like me, and don’t like to look for difficult searching ways, then this tool is exactly what you need.

Bigbangram is a free assistant that can download your favorite SoundCloud music in a matter of seconds.

No need for Internet connection and waiting for tracks to load. Now your favorite songs, albums, podcasts and playlists (and not only yours) are at hand. All the downloaded music will be saved to a prepared folder. Therefore, don’t be afraid that you may lose your favorite musical compositions.

By the way, the service allows downloading SoundCloud music even if this platform is blocked on the territory of your country. So this is a real find for those who suffer from internet censorship as well.

Get high for free and anywhere in the world around the clock. Just add a link to the desired track to the search bar and click on the “Download” button.

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The tool supports recording tracks in MP3. It works in the cloud mode, without downloading and installing. There are no limits and special requirements.

Tool #2: SoundCloud Music Downloader

SoundCloud Music Downloader app is another working tool for downloading your favorite music for free.

The principle of its operation is approximately the same as that of the previous tool. However, first, you need to download and install the application on your phone or computer. 

Then, you can download any favorite SoundCloud music. For that, you need to use the “Copy&Paste” principle. That is, we copy the URL of the required track, and paste it into the search bar in the service. 


All music tracks are in high quality and in the full version. Downloading is possible on both iPhone, Android or PC (Windows, macOS, Linux.)

The tool supports recording tracks in MP3 and M4A.

Tool #3: SoundCloud Screen Recorder

The laziest way is to use SoundCloud scree recorder tool. It is a good option when you are too lazy to do anything at all, and you only have enough strength to turn on the recording of the track you like.

But let’s agree that turn on the recording for all albums, tracks and playlists is too crazy idea.

However, if you are a sloth (in the good sense of the word), then welcome.

Well, now seriously and no kidding! This tool is quite often used to record streaming music. Therefore, take a note and use it when listening to the radio or a selection of tracks.

The tool supports recording tracks in MP3, WMA, AAC, M4A while maintaining the original high quality.

A nice bonus: After recording, you can edit the track to save only the liked part.

How did we live without the Internet before?

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SoundCloud Online Downloader: Simple Ways Of Music Saving

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