New Broken Microsoft Updates – KB4284842

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Microsoft have done it again and released another update “fix” which has broken Windows 7 machines. This seems to be the same sort of issue as before where the wifi and VPN connections are affected.

It is quite unbelievable that Microsoft continue to release updates that break our user machines! You can forgive the odd bad update, but this has been weekly lately. Strange that these updates are only ever affecting Windows 7 machines as well – trying to force us onto Windows 10 Microsoft?

So, another morning of investigation and we found that removing update KB4284842 seems to have fixed the reboot loop issues on our Windows 7 user machines.

Problem Updates

KB4284842 – Known issues in this update:

There is an issue with Windows and a third-party software that is related to a missing file (oem<number>.inf). Because of this issue, after you apply this update, the network interface controller will stop working.
  1. To locate the network device, launch devmgmt.msc; it may appear under Other Devices.
  2. To automatically rediscover the NIC and install drivers, select Scan for Hardware Changes from the Action menu.

a. Alternatively, install the drivers for the network device by right-clicking the device and selecting Update.Then select Search automatically for updated driver software or Browse my computer for driver software.

Microsoft have given their above “Workarounds” but none of these worked for us.

So, if you are still experiencing any weird issues with your machines, take a stab at removing these and see if it helps.

How to Remove Problem Updates

If you need some guidance on what to do to remove these or any other updates, be it on a single machine or mass corporation remove, take a look at this post as we have added some instructions towards the end of the post that you may find helpful.


We would love to hear from you if you to are having any issues with these, or indeed any other, Microsoft Updates. Just leave us a message below in our comments section and we will pick them up shortly after you post.

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New Broken Microsoft Updates – KB4284842

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