4 Web Tools That Supercharge Your Job Search

A businessperson in a dark suit extending a handshake, focusing on the hand with web tools that supercharge your job search in the blurred background.

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Searching for the best jobs and finding new opportunities to explore is a lot different in today’s modern world. Instead of newspaper ads, companies rely on LinkedIn and job listings. Instead of sending bundles of documents to multiple companies, you connect with the right people and polish your digital resume online.

Job searching is something that needs to be handled differently. In the startup era, you are more likely to get your dream opportunity by having a strong online presence and using the right tools. There are four tools that will supercharge your job search in no time.

A Great LinkedIn Profile

We mentioned LinkedIn as a way for companies to advertise job vacancies. When you are a jobseeker, LinkedIn is more powerful than that. Hiring managers and companies are also actively looking for qualified candidates via LinkedIn. On top of that, they also review you – and other candidates – using the information available on LinkedIn.

It is easy to see how important LinkedIn is when you’re looking for a new job opportunity. Be sure to take the time and refresh your LinkedIn profile with relevant details that will impress even the most demanding future employer. Add new projects you worked on recently and connect with the right people to get recommendations and endorsements.

A Strong Resume

Creating a resume is a lot easier thanks to sites like The Job Explorer. You now have a lot of examples and additional tools at your fingertips. These resources don’t just make writing a strong resume easy, but also allow you to have a resume designed for the particular field you are in – or the line of work you’re trying to get into.

Online Credibility

What you share online and how you interact with other people matter. Hiring managers will also review your social media posts and the overall state of your online presence when reviewing you as a candidate. Posting bad comments about past – or current – employers or clients is a big no.

You can establish a strong online credibility by sharing useful things and making your knowledge or expertise useful to others. If you are in digital marketing, writing and sharing Medium or LinkedIn articles on digital marketing strategy, tips, and tricks is how you position yourself as an expert in the field.

The Right Offer

It used to be difficult to determine the right amount of salary to ask for when applying for a position. Today, you have tools like PayScale and Salary.com helping you determine the right offer to make. These tools are also useful during salary and benefits negotiations.

Another reason why salary comparison tools are handy is because you can choose the positions to apply for based on your expected salary. This saves you a lot of time and allows you to focus on opportunities that will help you secure a better future for yourself.

These are the four web tools and resources to use if you want to start searching for job opportunities. With these four tools at your disposal, the challenges of seeking a new job and pursuing the best opportunities will be easy to overcome.

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4 Web Tools That Supercharge Your Job Search

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