Your Guide To Creating More Marketing Power: Scaling Up Your Business With Systemized Marketing

marketing strategy

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

When it comes to growing businesses, most organizations wish for more leads and clients in their business. The goal of a business should not be solely focused on making income but on how you can help your clients. 

If your business is not growing or is plateaued, you may need to consider your marketing strategies. This article will cover how you can scale up your business with systemized marketing to get more clients within your coaching business.

What Is Systemized Marketing?

Systemized marketing is a way of planning and executing your marketing activities more effectively and efficiently. To do this, you’ll need to create a blueprint for each part of your marketing funnel: from attracting leads to closing sales and creating repeat customers.

Start Being Systematic About Your Marketing Activities

The first step to scaling up your business is to start being systematic about your marketing activities.

The best way to automate the marketing process is by creating an email sequence that will follow up with potential clients and customers.

Start by gathering your existing leads and subscribers, then segment them based on their stage in the sales funnel. Create an email sequence for each segment, and then send them emails over a period that teach them something about your product/service or engage them in some way.

For example, if you’re selling coaching services, you might send an introductory email introducing yourself and offering some free content or a free trial. Then, once they sign up for the free offer, you can send them another email with more content or a checklist that helps them prepare for their first session with you (or whatever else makes sense).

Know What Your Ideal Client Looks Like

Get clear on what your ideal client looks like.

  • What age range are they?
  • What gender are they?
  • Where do they live?
  • Do they have any particular interests or hobbies?

If you’re unsure what your ideal clients look like, write down everything that comes to mind when you think of a perfect client (you can do this over several sessions). This will help you clarify who exactly should be in your target audience.

You can get an idea of your ideal client using several methods:

  • First party data: In having a website, you or your marketing or dev team should have implemented certain Google products which allow you to track users coming to your site, and how they got there. They include Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Google Search Console. If you’re not well-versed in these, it’s advisable to get someone like a developer to implement them on your site. 
    • Google Analytics: This data is some of the most important when tracking your users behavior and customer experience. There are many Google Analytics courses which are extremely valuable if you aren’t sure, regardless of your position. You can also find out demographic, geographic, interests, and why or where users are leaving your site.
    • Google Tag Manager: When setting up your Google Analytics, you need to know which pages you see as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as your checkout page. Of course you are interested in how many people are buying a particular product, or signing up for your newsletter, so you have to embed tags on pages like these for Google Analytics to recognise when and if these events occur, in order to collect the data. Again, it’s advisable to get a developer or Google tool expert to implement this if you are unsure.
    • Google Search Console: This data allows you to gather data for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This data allows you to understand what users search to get to your site, which you can then make content to rank for these relevant terms. This also allows you to understand what parts of your site Google is crawling. 
  • Getting reviews: For one, reviews provide invaluable data about your users’ pain points, and you can use this to see patterns in the feedback when you have a consistent stream of reviews. In addition, reviews are left through a Google profile, and you can typically get a feel of who your users are from pictures, age, and other places they’ve left reviews (which provides an insight into what else they’re purchasing).

Using this data to understand where your customers are in the sales funnel can be difficult if you don’t research the ‘how to.’ Be sure to implement all the above Google tools and start gathering your data. Use guides to understand the sales funnel and how to get your customers converting. 

Identify Where Your Ideal Clients are Spending Their Time Online

It’s easier than ever for people to find information about what they want or need online — but that doesn’t mean they’re ready to buy from you yet! If you don’t know where your ideal clients spend their time online, start by looking at where they hang out in the real world (such as networking events or Facebook groups). From there, check out which websites or blogs they visit regularly and subscribe to those publications.

Share Useful Information With Them to Build Trust and Rapport

One of the best ways to get people interested in your brand is by providing them with helpful information they can use in their everyday lives. When people see that there are valuable resources on your website, they will be more likely to sign up for your program or buy from you directly. You can share these resources in many ways, including social media posts, blog posts, or email newsletters.

Focus on One Platform First and Then Expand

It’s important not to jump into multiple platforms when scaling up your business because it can cause confusion among customers (especially if you’re offering various services). Start with one platform, then add another after you’ve established yourself in the first. This will allow you to learn from your mistakes and adjust accordingly.

When choosing a marketing platform, ensure you choose the right one. Each marketing platform has its strengths and weaknesses, so you must choose venues that are a good fit for your coaching business.

For example, if you’re an online business coach who does most of your work through email, Facebook groups or a newsletter might be your best option. If you have a great community of followers on Instagram and want to monetize that community by selling products, Shopify may be what you need.

The key here is learning how each platform works before getting started with marketing on them. Some platforms require more time investment than others — some more money — so make sure that whatever medium you choose is worth it before moving forward.

Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a great tool that can help you stay organized and keep track of everything you need to do to scale up your business. It’s essentially a list of all the content that needs to be created and published on each platform throughout the year.

For example, creating an Instagram content calendar would be ideal if you’re trying to increase your visibility on Instagram. This way, you’ll know exactly when every piece of content needs to go live so that you won’t miss any deadlines!

Be Consistent

Your clients need to see you as an authority in your industry. This will take time, but it’s worth it — especially when they return for more! Ensure you are consistent with everything you do, including social media posts, blog posts, and podcasts.

Focus on Getting the Basics Right

You must get the basics right before moving on to advanced strategies. You need to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive, that it’s easy for visitors to navigate, that you have a strong call-to-action at the top of each page, that all forms are properly configured, and so on.

Once you have consistency and meet the basics, you can focus on getting better at what you do best and scaling up your coaching business through systems. For example, if one of your strengths is dealing with people’s problems, then focus on providing value by sharing articles and other resources that help people solve their problems.

You can also create a free ebook or course to help them learn new skills or get better at what they already know, as a way to introduce them to your expertise before asking for a big sale.

Prioritizing your tasks

It is easy to get overwhelmed as a small business owner with the ever-growing to-do list. With this in mind, we’ll give you some notes on how to prioritize the key points in this article. 

Knowing your customer is the basis for every aspect of marketing, so this is the first key step. Find out your ideal customer in terms of age, interests, where they are or hang out, and consider that your target market.

This can change over time, and sometimes your customer is not who you think they are. This is where it’s important to use your data to determine this, such as online reviews and data from google analytics or your social media accounts. 

Defining your target market will allow you to reach the correct type of customer at the right time, or educate and inform them with information relevant to them and your business. 

Now, when you know your target audience, you are able to find them online and try to convince them to buy – whether they are ready to buy or they still need convincing. 

Think of it as, after researching, you know a lot of 40 year old women are going to be in the shopping market in the morning on a week-day, and you are selling laundry detergent. You are going to go find them where they are and convince them to buy your product, some of them may already be looking for laundry detergent but others may need to be convinced. You need to then give information to the people who are not convinced to buy it. Find out why they are skeptical, perhaps they only use organic products or they need to know it’s safe for babies. 

This is where in an online scenario you’d find out their concerns and address them through content on platforms that will reach them. When you have achieved that, you can start to plan and coordinate your content, while using a content calendar to organize what you are posting about and when. 

Final Thoughts

Most coaches scale up and grow their businesses through a series of small marketing activities that lead to greater exposure over time. But without a marketing strategy, logging hours and hours on social media may exhaust you with limited results to show for it.

Start planning and tracking your marketing activities now to grow your business faster.

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Your Guide To Creating More Marketing Power: Scaling Up Your Business With Systemized Marketing

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