10 Apps Making Life Easy During Quarantine


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the very foundation of how our world works. Most areas are now under quarantine to curb the spread of the disease. Being restricted indoors for people already used to the outdoors and not much restriction on movement has left most of them anxious and confused. 

It is even harder for those who live alone to manage isolation. Thankfully, you can maintain your emotional, physical, and even financial wellbeing on online platforms with the right apps. Below are the ten apps you should consider to make your life in quarantine bearable.


With the emotional toll that quarantine is taking on you, you need an app that will help you cope with anxieties and uncertainties affecting your wellbeing. The Headspace app gives you basics on how you can meditate and find gratitude and balance amidst the pandemic. It also includes movement and sleep exercises that will keep you in the right frame of mind.

Nike Training Club

Most people think that the easiest way to quarantine is watching movies and eating junk food. The healthier option is, however, through the Nike Training Club. This app has free workout sessions offered by Nike trainers for all fitness levels. You thus can improve your health and lose weight while in quarantine using the app.


Your social and professional meetings need not stop because you are under quarantine. You can now hold virtual meetings with a vast number of participants on Zoom. Consider this app for holding an office meeting, a birthday party, a simple meet up with your friends and even a play date for the kids.

Draw Something

This was among the popular apps back in 2012. With the quarantine, you have time to test it. Draw Something involves selecting a term to draw, then your friends guessing what you have drawn, much like Pictionary. It is a fun and lighthearted way for you to stay connected to your friends online.


This is a language-learning app that offers an engaging and colorful way for you to master a new language. It is fast-paced and image-heavy like an exciting game. Duolingo also incentivizes you with exciting rewards to keep up with your lesson. You can try learning 35 languages, including fictional ones like the High Valyrian from Game of Thrones.


Who says you cannot make money while in quarantine. You can now play the lottery on your phone on the Lottoland app. On this app, there are exciting rewards, helpful draw reminders, and exclusive discounts that maximize the odds of you making a handsome amount of money. It would be nice to get out of quarantine with a healthy stash of cash somewhere to start you over.

Project Foodie

You can become a gourmet chef while in quarantine with the Project Foodie app. If you are an amateur cook who wants to broaden his/her culinary horizons, this is the app for you. The step-by-step recipes are led on video by professional chefs, and there is no skipping any preparation steps like on TV cooking shows.


If you are not yet on TikTok, you are missing out on a lot of online fun. This video sharing platform allows anyone to share videos on how they are spending their time in quarantine. It features short music, dancing cooking, and funny videos to get you through the boredom of isolation.


This new wellness app uses positive content to boost your emotional resilience. It focuses on six mood states as well as happiness and confidence. In the chaotic quarantine period, the Moodrise app can become your digital pill to alleviate worry and help focus on your family.


This is an audio-based pocket-sized personal trainer. Thus, you need not keep pulling your phone out of your pocket to follow an instructor’s cue when exercising. You only need to focus on what the instructor is saying and your body. If you are unsure how to start, the Aaptiv app will pick out the best exercises for your body build and weight.

Most places are not sure how long their quarantine will last with the world now battling to find a cure or vaccine for COVID-19. With the above apps, the length of quarantine should not worry you. You can use them to continue leading as normal a life as possible while keeping you and your family safe in quarantine. The apps will undoubtedly help you cope with the stress and other issues you face indoors.

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10 Apps Making Life Easy During Quarantine

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