SCCM – SQL Query for newly discovered devices in last 24 hours

SCCM – SQL Query for newly discovered devices in last 24 hours

This query for SCCM will tell you the devices that have been discovered by Configuration Manager in the last 24 hours. This query can be amended to change the amount of days you wish to look back at for newly discovered devices by changing the last digit in the code. SQL Query More Queries Our […]

Find last logged on user by NetBIOS name – SCCM Query

Find last logged on user by NetBIOS name – SCCM Query

I’ve been asked a lot of questions about the various ways of using queries and there are almost no limits to what you can do with a query and of course, you can then go on and use these queries for creating collections or just to supply you with the information you require. I have […]

SCCM – Last logged on user query – All Systems

SCCM – Last logged on user query – All Systems

If you are looking for a query that will display all machines and their last logged on user, the below will do this for you without any prompts. This allows you to search on the data to find what you would like across the information provided by the query. The query below is the full […]

SCCM Query to create collection for x86 & x64 machines

SCCM Query to create collection for x86 & x64 machines

We have been asked on a number of occasions how to create Configuration Manager Collections for machines on x86 or x64 Windows Operating Systems. To do this, you should use the two collection queries as below: Instructions Query to create collection for x86 machines Query to create collection for x64 machines More Queries Our full […]

SCCM – SQL Query for showing number of different Operating Systems

SCCM – SQL Query for showing number of different Operating Systems

If you would like to create a report to show you the number of different Operating System’s you have, you can use this script below which should provide you with the information for Servers and the various Windows OS’s. Query SELECT CASE WHEN Caption0 LIKE ‘%XP%’ THEN ‘XP’ WHEN Caption0 LIKE ‘%Windows 7%’ THEN ‘Windows […]

SCCM – Find system by Last Logged on User Query

SCCM – Find system by Last Logged on User Query

If you need to find a machine for a particular user in your business using SCCM, one way you can do it is to use a custom query to find the machine that relates to the last logged on user. This means that you can run this query, it’ll prompt for a username, enter the […]

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