Year: 2014

SCCM – SQL Query for ConfigMgr clients not upgraded to CM2012 (v5)

SCCM – SQL Query for ConfigMgr clients not upgraded to CM2012 (v5)

This is a query for ConfigMgr 2012 and it will return the machines that do not have the 2012 client installed on them. This is useful if you have gone through an upgrade from 2007 to 2012 and need to know if or where machines have not fully upgraded themselves so that you can take […]

EA & Need For Speed Rivals – Nothing but problems!

EA & Need For Speed Rivals – Nothing but problems!

Recently, I started playing Need for Speeds Rivals on the new Xbox One console. This is a title that I’m very familiar with and have played all versions over the many years of the Need for Speed franchise. However, Rivals has been nothing but a major disappointment – don’t get me wrong, the game itself […]

Powershell error when running scripts – scripts disabled

Powershell error when running scripts – scripts disabled

If you are trying to run a Powershell script, you may find sometimes that you get this following error message: Cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system. There is a very simple fix for this, all you have to do is ensure that you run your Powershell program as […]

Server Information SQL Query for SCCM

Server Information SQL Query for SCCM

The below SQL query can be used against your SCCM database to return information about your servers. You can edit this query to bring back different information and also use it to create a report using SSRS. This query by default brings back the following information: Query More Queries Our full range of SQL and […]

Uninstalling Google Earth using SCCM

Uninstalling Google Earth using SCCM

Most users in organisations believe that Google Earth is a great tool for their work and freely install it on their work machines and think nothing of it. Well, Google Earth is NOT free for commercial use and if business users want to use Google Earth for work purposes on work machines, then a licence […]

SCCM – WQL Query for devices with Google Earth installed

SCCM – WQL Query for devices with Google Earth installed

If you want to identify machines with Google Earth software installed, you can utilise the Add/Remove Programs software inventory to do this by using this query. This WQL query can then be used as part of an import function to create a device collection within SCCM. More Queries Our full range of SQL and WQL […]

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